The livin’s easy // Baraboo family photographer
Our family currently has a bit of an addiction to paletas. Have you tried them? They’re Mexican ice pops made with fresh fruit and milk. We like the strawberry, mango and coconut flavors. Holy smokes, deliciousness. I have this book on order after hearing the author on The Splendid Table. (Public radio is another of my addictions, but I digress.)
I left my little lady on the front steps with her strawberry paleta while I ran to retrieve the camera from the living room, and by the time I came back all that was left was a stream of melted pop running down her forearm.
Friends, here’s to diving head-first into summer.
This summer we’re taking part in The Happy Family Movement’s Summer Bucket List Challenge. CLICK HERE to sign up your own kiddos for the fun. We’re going to be writing out our list tomorrow… any suggestions for what to include (besides a mad amount of paleta-making)? What’s on your summer bucket list?