Williston Eighth Grade Formal

To view the entire gallery of photos from the Williston Eighth Grade Formal and order digital files or prints, CLICK HERE.

This is a fundraiser for the school and 100% of proceeds will go to the Williston PTA to help meet the needs of Williston students and teachers.

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Since moving to Wilmington and enrolling our son in Williston Middle School last year, my husband and I have had a lot of neighbors and other parents ask us, at birthday parties and barbecues and PTA meetings, in hushed tones, “So what is it… like at Williston?”

I will tell you what I tell all of them.

That Williston has been an absolute blessing for our family. That our son is happy and well-adjusted and growing academically and as a person not in spite of his school, but because of it.

That the educators he’s had there have been exceptional. End of sentence.

That his group of friends is both diverse and made up of the kind of kids we look forward to having to our home.

That to us, diversity is part of a good education. Hearing world views and perspectives that are different than your own in class and at the lunch table and after school challenges you. It makes you a better learner. It makes you a better thinker.

We’ve seen it in our son.

And just like that he is graduating, and I got to spend last night with a group of Williston eighth graders who charmed the pants off of me with their wit and humor, their kindness to each other and abundance of “yes, ma’am”s, their silly dance moves and just general spiffiness.

And I got to spend the whole night telling these kids that they looked beautiful, because they did. And they are.

Congratulations, graduating eighth graders. Now go shine.

To see more photos from the Eighth Grade Formal and order digital files and prints of your favorites, CLICK HERE.