Family story session
My heart swells a little just thinking of this family. Their little boy was so precocious and funny and sweet. And their little girl — can’t you just melt into those eyes? Oh, my.
I had the great pleasure of spending the afternoon with them — at their home, watching them play together and giggle and pick dandelions — and camping, where they roasted hot dogs and shared a meal and went for a walk.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Just being a family. And I will tell you, that’s something beautiful. It makes me think about when my boys were younger. It wasn’t that long ago, but it’s passed. It’s the past. It’s not that I wish I could go back, because they’re such amazing kids right now, but I wish I had better documentation of me with my kids. Me with my husband with my kids. Me in the picture at all.
A photographer friend of mine likes to say, “The photos you want tomorrow, you have to get today.” And that is so true.
The ordinary family interactions we’re experiencing now are beautiful. But as sad as it makes us mamas feel, they don’t last. Or at least, they don’t stay the same. It’s so important to document the things that are important to us now.
Even if it’s just our every day.